HubSpot Support
Receive professional guidance on deploying HubSpot software from an expert HubSpot Technical Consultant.
What's Included With HubSpot Support
By taking advantage of our ongoing technical consulting services, you'll work with directly with Craig Leabig. He will take the time to truly understand your systems, tech stack, and business objectives, so he can provide strategic and technical guidance that helps you achieve your goals.
What to expect with HubSpot Consulting
- A relationship with a HubSpot expert and a business executive that has significant experience in managing and leading sales, marketing and customer success teams.
- Strategic and technical expertise and guidance for your HubSpot admin team
- Assistance planning and executing on HubSpot and integration projects
- Guidance to help you build and optimize your team's processes
Working with Craig you'll set a monthly budget for the amount of support hours you'll need.
This support includes general technical assistance and guidance on projects related to your HubSpot subscription. The support hours can be utilized for various activities, such as phone conversations, email-based support, prep work, and other related services. Please note that a minimum of 15 minutes will be billed to any task, email or call that is made and that a minimum of two hours will be billed per month, even if less than two hours of support were performed during that period.
Term: No required contractual agreement.
Price: $185/hour
Last Modified: 11/17/2024
Get More Information About Ongoing HubSpot Consulting
Interested in talking to someone about ongoing HubSpot support? Let's talk.